Sunday, September 19, 2010


I have always favored doctrines which take a humble perspective on human beings as opposed to the arrogant "human-important" or self-important perspective.   In almost every instance - and I have yet to find an exception - the humble attitude appears to be the correct one to me.
1.  Cosmology 
heliocentric - humble
    earth is the center of the universe     - arrogant 
2.  Origins
  Evolution - humble / Creation - human-important (arrogant)
 3.  Religion 
Buddhism - humble ( the "self" doesn't really exist - Identity is temporary)
   Christianity - self-important
( the self is so important - it survives death! - this, to me, is the "cult of personality)
         I don't think a lot of Christians would see this as "arrogant" but it strikes me as at least
"unconsciously"self-inflating.   The "self" is a social construct,  it is an illusion, why should our philosophy suppose that our intact personality will survive the grave to consort with our fellows among the cosmos.   ,denial of death and the unshakable desire that we will all meet again someday fuels this notion.

I like the idea of the "great link" from Deep Space Nine - or as John said:  you are me as we are me and we are all together."     


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